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The Triennial Central Bank Survey of foreign exchange and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets aims to obtain comprehensive and consistent information on the size and structure of global foreign exchange and OTC derivatives markets. The results are intended to increase the transparency of OTC markets and to help central banks, other authorities and market participants monitor developments in global financial markets. They also help to inform discussions on reforms to OTC markets. The Triennial Survey is coordinated by the BIS under the auspices of the Markets Committee and the Committee on the Global Financial System. It is supported through the Data Gaps Initiative endorsed by the G20.



Developments in latest data using the BIS derivatives statistics


Reporting guidelines

Bank for International Settlements
Reporting guidelines provide definitions and methodology for compiling the requested data. The strict observance of these guidelines is requested in order to ensure the comparability of the reported data across the different jurisdictions.

Reporting Templates

Bank for International Settlements
Reporting templates are Excel workbooks, each with several worksheets that are organised by the type of information collected.

Research and publications



Tutorial Videos

Dollar debt in FX swaps and forwards: huge, missing and growing

|Banking for International Settlements
Patrick McGuire, head of International banking and financial statistics, explains how FX swaps, forwards and currency swaps create forward dollar payment obligations that do not appear on banks' balance sheets.